As an alternate member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, I spoke strongly on the subject of the European Defense Union, addressed by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in her State of the Union speech:
„From the necessary creation of a European cyber defense policy and capacity, to the fatal risk of duplicating and undermining NATO is a step that must be categorically avoided”.
Moreover, my message was that „in the face of hybrid aggressions, which include attacks on critical infrastructure, such as the Nord Stream explosions, there is a need to ensure complementarity with NATO.
In order to combat the striking fragmentation at the level of the development and acquisition of military capabilities and to respond to the major challenge of the global competitiveness of the EU defense sector, adequate coordination with the Council is required, defense being an essential competence of the Member States”.
Mihai Tudose, PSD MEP, member of the S&D Group