AcasăEurope NewsMinister of Foreign Affairs: "Russia's attack was not only linked to Ukraine,...

Minister of Foreign Affairs: „Russia’s attack was not only linked to Ukraine, it was an attack against regional security”

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The Russian attack at the beginning of this year „was not only related to Ukraine, it was an attack against regional security”, declared, on Wednesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Bogdan Aurescu, at the Forum 2000 conference, within the special format dedicated to Ukraine (” Forum for Ukraine”) in Prague, according to Agerpres.

„One of the effects of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine – which, of course, was not wanted by President Putin – was more unity. He thought he could speculate on our dissensions, inside the European Union, and it was not the case. On the contrary, we showed more unity than expected, and that’s a good thing. On the other hand, I think he thought he could speculate on the divide between the two sides of the Atlantic, and it wasn’t, on the contrary. The result was a bigger transatlantic unity. The level of coordination, contacts, the fact that we managed to adopt sanctions, almost at the same pace – taking into account the specific conditions of each party – shows that we were able to act together, in a very coordinated way and in a way very effectively, and this coordination continues at this moment,” he pointed out.

He added that „Russia’s attack was not only related to Ukraine, it was an attack against regional security, against European security, against transatlantic security, it was an attack against the fundamental parameters of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture”.

„I think we can cooperate and I think we are very efficient when we work together with the USA”, the minister pointed out.


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