AcasăEurope NewsNational Assessment begins, over 160,000 secondary school graduates register for exam

National Assessment begins, over 160,000 secondary school graduates register for exam

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More than 160,000 high school graduates have registered for the National Assessment, which begins on Tuesday with the Romanian Language and Literature test, the Ministry of Education announced.

The next test, the one in Mathematics, will take place on Thursday, and the test of native language and literature will take place on Friday.

„According to the data sent by the county school inspectorates, over 160,400 8th grade graduates were registered to take the exam, organized in 3,392 educational units/exam centers,” stated the Ministry of Education.

The first results will be displayed on July 3, until 2:00 p.m., and appeals can be submitted to the exam centers or sent by electronic means, on July 3 (between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.) and July 4 (in the time interval 8.00 – 12.00).

The final results will be displayed on Tuesday, July 9.

The activities of the national evaluation for the graduates of the VIII-th grade are carried out through the platform dedicated to the digital evaluation.


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