AcasăEurope NewsNational Military College graduate accepted to US Air Force Academy

National Military College graduate accepted to US Air Force Academy

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A graduate of the Mihai Viteazul National Military College in Alba Iulia, who stood out in the four years of high school through outstanding results, has been accepted to the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, on the only place assigned to military college students of Romania.

„Graduate Calin Hartzos has been accepted to one of the most prestigious academies in the United States of America, the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, on the only place assigned to military college students of Romania this year. The selection process was rigorous, based on school performance, sports and involvement in extracurricular educational activities. After completing his studies in the US, Hartzos will return to Romania, where he will begin his career as an officer,” according to a press statement released by the National Military College.

Hartzos is the eleventh Mihai Viteazu graduate of to complete his military training in renowned US establishments and the fourth at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

Another six graduates have attended the West Point Military Academy and four attended the US Naval Academy.

Since his admission to the Mihai Viteazul National Military College in 2020, Hartzos has distinguished himself by participating and getting outstanding results in Olympiads, school competitions, projects or debates in almost all fields of learning.

According to the college, „Hartzos’ key to success was a lot of work, perseverance and a good organisation of time”.

„I like playing sports, going out, reading, meeting friends, but I also consider school a pleasant activity for me. All previous experiences were, on the one hand, an experience in interacting with foreigners or in acquiring skills and competencies verified either by an Olympiad, an activity, a project, and secondly, they were a plus to the CV I submitted in the admission contest in the United States of America. But I believe that each of these events in which I participated was first and foremost a learning experience. At any contest, project in which I participated, I did it voluntarily, because it is what I like,” said Calin Hartzos, according to the release.


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