AcasăEurope NewsNumber of children under one year who died in 2023, 40% higher...

Number of children under one year who died in 2023, 40% higher in rural areas

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The number of children under one year old who died in rural areas, in 2023, is 40% higher than in urban areas, of the 897 deaths registered last year in children under one year old, 372 are in urban areas and 525 in the rural environment, where access to medical services during pregnancy and in the first year of the child’s life is difficult, informs Salvati Copiii Romania, in a statement sent to AGERPRES on Tuesday.

Access to medical services in rural and disadvantaged communities is essential, and the impact study of the early health project „First step to health”, carried out by the organization, shows that equipping medical offices in disadvantaged areas has led to „a significant increase” in the presentation to the doctor of pregnant women and children up to 5 years old.

The results obtained in the first year, through the „First step towards health” project, implemented by Salvati Copiii in the 40 offices equipped in the rural environment through the financing provided by the OMV Petrom Foundation, indicate a 19% increase in the number of pregnant women who they presented for control during the prenatal period; a 21% increase in the number of consultations, almost four times more than the national average; a 20% increase in the number of children up to 5 years of age who presented themselves at the medical office in the last year. 73% of family doctors declare an increase in the number of preventive consultations; 83% of the doctors appreciate that in the last year the number of pregnant women who call on the services of the family doctor has increased; 92% of the interviewed patients noted an improvement in medical services in the medical office in the locality.

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS) data for 2023, in the segment of primary medicine, most family medicine practices operated in urban areas, respectively 6,200 practices, compared to 4,100 practices in rural areas. A family medicine office in the rural area had 1.4 times more residents, compared to an urban office.


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