Optional pension funds had assets worth 5.54 billion lei at the end of September, up 26.5% compared to the same date last year, according to a Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) report.
„Most investments were made locally (96%), with the majority denominated in lei (89.4%),” the report said.
The value of contributions transferred in September was 63.37 million lei, while the average contribution was 163 lei.
Government securities accounted for the largest share of assets, at 3.69 billion lei, or 66.6%. In second place were equities, with 1.39 billion lei (25.2%), while corporate bonds were in third place with 197.97 million lei, or 3.6% of total assets.
According to ASF data, optional pension funds had 793,186 participants in September 2024.
The following pension funds are active in Pillar III: Aegon Esential, Azt Moderato, Azt Vivace, BCR Plus, BRD Medio, Generali Stabil, NN Activ, NN Optim, Pensia Mea and Raiffeisen Acumulare.