AcasăEurope NewsOur heroes remain for eternity great proof of Romanian patriotism (Senate president)

Our heroes remain for eternity great proof of Romanian patriotism (Senate president)

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Heroes are part of the soul of the Romanian people and remain for eternity great proof of Romanian patriotism, said Thursday the president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, at the military ceremony organized on the occasion of Heroes’ Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Carol I Park.

„We are together on this day to honour our heroes, those who put their country above their lives. We honour their supreme sacrifice in the service of the homeland and their fight for a better tomorrow for Romania and for Romanians. On this day we celebrate the Ascension Day and the Day of the Known and Unknown Heroes. On this day, the recognition meets the sacrifice and the Army meets the Church. Our heroes are part of the soul of the Romanian people. They were a wall of defence for Romania and remain for eternity great proof of Romanian patriotism. They are examples for all generations of Romanians to come. Let us commemorate those who made the supreme sacrifice. Let us take care of their graves and keep their memory alive by talking about their deeds, not just a few times a year, but every day,” said Ciuca, at the military ceremony organized on the occasion of Heroes’ Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Carol I Park.

Nicolae Ciuca added that „we ought to duly honour the heroes who are still among us, who lived through the horrors of war and who taught us what sacrifice, honour and dignity mean”.

He expressed his joy that Heroes’ Day, established in Romania more than 100 years ago, is still respected, after being re-established after the fall of communism.


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