The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) for the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in 2024 noted, on Friday, the definitive remaining of the candidacies proposed by 19 organizations of national minorities for all electoral constituencies, in the elections of December 1.
According to the minutes adopted by BEC, the following candidacies have remained final:
* Association of Macedonians from Romania: Ionel Stancu, Cristina Codreanu;
* The Greek Union from Romania: Dragos-Gabriel Zisopol;
* The Turkish Democratic Union from Romania: Iusein Ibram;
* Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars from Romania: Varol Amet, Metin Omer, Ela Ziadin, Ozgun Arslan, Adel Velula;
* Association of Italians from Romania – RO.AS.IT.: Ioana Grosaru;
* Union of Croats from Romania: Giureci-Slobodan Ghera;
* Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs from Romania: Adrian-Miroslav Merka, Ioana-Cristina Jucan;
* Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania: Ovidiu Gant, Thomas Sindilariu, Bettina Andrea Rost, Christine Klemens Manta;
* Union of Poles from Romania: Ghervazen Longher, Victoria Longher, Iosef Irisec, Ana Zielonka;
* Union of Armenians from Romania: Varujan Pambuccian, Sirun Terzian, Bogdan Caus Nicolaides Narine, Petru Papazian;
* „League of Albanians from Romania” Association: Bogdan Alin Stoica;
* Union of Ukrainians from Romania: Miroslav Nicolae Petretchi, Irina-Liuba Horvat, Ilie Sauciuc, Maria Condrei-Szabo, Vasile Pasenciuc, Lucica Gherman;
* The Lipoveni Russian Community from Romania: Silviu Feodor, Nicolae Artion, Florentina Svetlana Craciun;
* Cultural Union of Ruthenians from Romania: Iulius Marian Firczak, Francisc-Oscar Gal, Mariana-Svetlana Muresan, Carmen-Svetlana Bojcsuk, Gabriela-Cristina Bodnariuc, Maria Bocicor;
* The Bulgarian Union from Banat – Romania: Gheorghe Nacov, Petru Topciov, Adrian-Sorin Cosilcov, Ana-Carolina Ivanciov, Daniel-Marius Pit, Petronela Sehabi;
* Union of Serbs from Romania: Ognean Cristici;
* Federation of Jewish Communities from Romania: Silviu Vexler;
* Roma Party Association „Pro-Europe”: Nicolae Paun, Iulian-Costel Paraschiv, Bogdan-Florin Paraschiv, Viorica Gotu, Ionut-Constantin Paun, Daniel Vasile;
* Forum of Czechs from Romania: Stefan Bouda, Stefan Motec, Astrid-Marichen Pervulescu.