AcasăEurope NewsParliamentaryElection2024/ 19 representatives of national minorities awarded seats in new Parliament

ParliamentaryElection2024/ 19 representatives of national minorities awarded seats in new Parliament

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The organizations of national minorities will have 19 MPs in the new Parliament.

The Central Electoral Bureau has announced the list of organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities with seats in the lower house, as well as the names of those who will be granted the seats.

Thus, the 19 representatives of the national minorities in the Chamber of Deputies are:

* Ioana Grosaru – Association of Italians of Romania – RO.AS.IT.

* Bogdan Alin Stoica – Association League of Albanians in Romania;

* Ionel Stancu – Association of Macedonians of Romania;

* Nicolae Paun – Party of the Roma Association „Pro-Europe”;

* Silviu Feodor – Community of Lipovan Russians of Romania;

* Silviu Vexler – Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania;

* Stefan Bouda – Forum of Czechs in Romania;

* Ovidiu Gant – Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania;

* Varujan Pambuccian – Union of Armenians of Romania;

* Gheorghe Nacov – Bulgarian Union of Banat – Romania;

* Giureci-Slobodan Ghera – Union of Croatians of Romania;

* Iulius Marian Firczak – Cultural Union of Ruthenians of Romania;

* Varol Amet – Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars of Romania;

* Iusein Ibram – Democratic Turkish Union of Romania;

* Adrian-Miroslav Merka – Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs of Romania;

* Dragos-Gabriel Zisopol – Hellenic Union of Romania;

* Ghervazen Longher – Union of Poles of Romania;

* Ognean Cristici – Union of Serbs of Romania;

* Miroslav Nicolae Petretchi – Union of Ukrainians of Romania.


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