Passenger rail transportation will switch to Eastern European Time (EET) starting on October 27, 2024, when 04:00hrs become 03:00hrs, according to the CFR Calatori passenger train operator.
Falling back to EET will not change the train schedule in force.
„On the night of October 26/27, 2024, when 04:00hrs become 03:00hrs, all passenger trains that have a departure time from the training stations after 04:00hrs will depart at the times in the train schedule in force, observing the Eastern European Time. The passenger trains running after 04:00hrs Easter European Summer Time (EEST) will stop at the established stations until the departure time of the timetable in force after the new EET, while the trains that still have a short distance to travel to the final station will continue their journey to their destination,” CFR Calatori reported.
Given that in neighbouring countries the transition from summer time to official Eastern European Time occurrs on the same day, October 27, 2024, trains will run between border stations after the hours of the train schedule in force.