AcasăEurope NewsPercentage of women candidates in local elections remains low (Expert Forum)

Percentage of women candidates in local elections remains low (Expert Forum)

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The percentage of women candidates in the local elections remains low, 24% of the candidates, according to Expert Forum (EFOR), which published on Wednesday an analysis of the data related to local candidates and a report that includes general statistics.

As in the case of 2020, the lowest proportion of women candidates is in communes (23%), and the highest in municipalities and in Bucharest, about a third. At the level of county positions, 27% of women candidates were registered.

By types of positions, the fewest women candidates are for the position of mayor and president of the county council (11%). Most candidates are for the general council (34%) and county councils (27%). For local councils, a quarter of the candidates are women, and for Bucharest City Hall, 22% of the candidates.

In the parties that are in the top 10 in terms of the number of submitted candidates, the highest number of women in proportion to the total number of candidates of the party are found on the lists of SOS Romania (35%), Pro Romania (30%), PUSL and Force of Right, with 28% each. PSD has 22% women candidates, and PNL 21%. At AUR, women candidates represent 26%, and at USR and PMP, 27% each. At REPER, 33% of the candidates are women, and at UDMR they represent 25%.

Almost 17% of the independent candidates are women.

For the June 9 elections, 207,390 candidates registered, from a number of 131 competitors (parties and alliances), respectively 107 parties, respectively independent candidates. The total number of applications is almost 20% lower compared to 2020, when there were 256,038 applications, and 2016, when 267,242 applications remained final.

The most candidates were proposed by PSD – 52,048, PNL – 51,373, AUR – 33,729, USR – 13,328 and PMP – 10,014. UDMR has 8,147 candidates.

For the June 9 elections, 1,118 independent candidacies were submitted.

The analysis is accompanied by an interactive map that allows users to search for local election candidates and view various statistics.

The map is accessible at

The report, together with data in editable format and statistics, can be consulted at


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