AcasăEurope NewsPM Ciolacu: Come to Romania! We have not only quality football, but...

PM Ciolacu: Come to Romania! We have not only quality football, but also spectacular tourist attractions

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Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu extended an invitation to those who wish to visit Romania, starting from the initiative of the minister of Economy, Radu Oprea, to promote Romanian attractions in Germany as holiday destinations for the duration of the European Football Championship.

„Come to Romania! We have not only quality football, but also spectacular tourist attractions! The Carpathian Mountains, the Danube Delta, the monasteries in the north of Moldavia, the Dacian fortresses, the villages of Transylvania and the Romanian coast are the tourist destinations where you will want to return. With the help of a QR code that you can find on more than 600 stickered taxis, Romania is promoted in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt, throughout the European Football Championship. I thank the minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Stefan Radu Oprea, for this initiative to promote Romanian attractions as holiday destinations,” stated Marcel Ciolacu, on Tuesday, in a post on his Facebook page.

He also invited the Bavarian prime minister, Markus Soder, to visit Romania: „P.S. I am waiting, dearly, for the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder! He will surely make unique memories in the Danube Delta and at the Bran Castle”.

The Bucharest gov’t’s head paid an official visit to the Land of Bavaria in the Federal Republic of Germany on Monday and Tuesday, where he participated, among other things, in a joint meeting of the Romanian and Bavarian governments and had a meeting with representatives of the Romanian community in the region.


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