AcasăEurope NewsPM Ciolacu: Relations between Romania and Germany are today at record high...

PM Ciolacu: Relations between Romania and Germany are today at record high in the last 35 years

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Ties between Romania and Germany are today at a record high in the last 35 years, as evidenced by the value of bilateral trade of over EUR 43 billion euros in 2023, according to Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.

Ciolacu on Thursday attended the German Unity Day, an event organised by the Embassy of Germany in Bucharest.

„Thirty-four years ago, the German people repaired the historical injustice of their separation through the reunification we are celebrating today. The German people thus showed that the will to be together in freedom, democracy and peace is a historical force that cannot be stopped. Germany demonstrated to the whole world that unity, not division, is the way to prosperity and lasting peace. Europe was then at a turning point, the same moment that brought Romania on a path of freedom, democracy and prosperity. The same moment also opened the way to the independence of our Eastern neighbours, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine,” said Ciolacu.

He added that, today, the international community is at another turning point, which „only the political will of our societies and their leaders can turn into a historic opportunity.”

„Today, our challenges are even greater: through the brutal aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the scourge of war has reappeared in Europe. We are witnessing a dramatic deterioration in the security situation in the Middle East. We are facing challenges at the internal level, at European level, of unprecedented magnitude, whether we are talking about terrorism, radicalisation, disinformation, extremism, anti-Semitism, climate change or the shockwaves that security instability projects on our economies. (…) At such times we must remain firmly committed to promoting and protecting European values, in full solidarity and cooperation. That is why it is important to have as soon as possible, at the level of the European Union, a functional and stable institutional framework that will meet the expectations of our citizens.”

The prime minister highlighted the idea of continuing cooperation at EU and international level to support Ukraine and Moldova on their European journey.

„The war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine affects the security of all of us. That is why we must continue to work together to provide all support to both Ukraine and Moldova, so that these countries can also start on the path we followed after the fall of the Iron Curtain.”

In another development, Ciolacu highlighted the excellent relationships between Romania and Germany, as evidenced by the value of bilateral trade in excess of EUR 43 billion in 2023.

„This is primarily due to the two communities: the Romanians living in Germany and the German minority in Romania. Secondly, to entrepreneurs who have created solid economic ties. Germany is Romania’s first foreign trading partner, with a value of bilateral trade of over EUR 43 billion in 2023.”

He voiced his conviction that by strengthening bilateral ties, the presence of German investors on the Romanian markets can be increased, in important sectors for the Romanian economy: infrastructure, defence, digital transformation, cyber-security, healthcare, energy, research and innovation, and startups.

„We also want to continue the excellent cooperation in the field of education, especially sharing German expertise in dual education.”

He also underlined the importance of the values we share both at the level of society and political leadership, in preserving good relations and mentioned the numerous bilateral contacts he has had since he took office as prime minister, both at federal and state level.

„Last but not least, we owe a lot to the excellent Romanian and German diplomats who maintain constant bilateral contacts, including through the joint governmental commissions, and who are now working on drawing up a joint action plan that we want to materialise as soon as possible.”

Ciolacu reiterated the common commitment to a stronger and more united European Union, in the spirit of European values and principles, saying that Romania continues to count on Germany for the completion of its Schengen accession process.

„The continuation of this commitment becomes particularly important in the current geopolitical context. I particularly appreciate the vocal position of support of Germany, and especially of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, in favour of Romania’s accession to the Schengen area. We count on Germany’s support for the fastest possible completion of this process,” Ciolacu said.

He thanked the German ambassador in Bucharest, Peer Gebauer, for organising the event, wishing peace and prosperity to Germany and the German people.


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