Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday that the government set the date for the presidential elections on May 4, which will also include partial elections in certain localities, and mentioned that there would be „drastic fines” to ensure that the rules are the same for all candidates and to prevent the „practice” where a „social media tool favoured a certain competitor.”
„We are setting today the date for the elections as May 4. Also, on May 4, there will be partial local elections for the leadership of a County Council, for the leadership of a county capital city, three towns, and, so far, 13 communes,” Ciolacu said at the beginning of the government meeting.
He announced changes and drastic fines to ensure that the rules apply equally to all candidates.
„We have introduced changes to ensure that the rules are the same for all candidates and to avoid the practice we saw in the last elections, where a social media tool favoured a certain competitor. We have also introduced drastic fines, up to 5% of turnover, and for certain corporations, this fine could lead to billions of euros,” the prime minister added.