Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that on Friday that all the preliminary procedures will be completed for the 2025 budget to be adopted on Saturday at a special government meeting.
„We are finalising today all the preliminary procedures to pass tomorrow at a special government meeting, the 2025 national budget. The news of the finalisation of the draft budget had immediate effects yesterday. The interest rate at which Romania borrows externally, for 10 years, has fallen rapidly. Other positive effects will follow,” Ciolacu said at the beginning of a government meeting.
He added that details about the budget will be given by the finance minister after Saturday’s government meeting.
„Instead, I want to draw attention to export figures, which are expected this year to increase by more than 3%. That will be the first major impact of our full integration with the Schengen area. Another important effect is that we had a month of January with good weather, which allowed builders to work intensively on construction sites and, especially, on motorways. That is why we have taken the decision that transport spending will increase this year compared by almost 20% from last year, and thus we are sure that there will be parts thereof completed this spring,” said Ciolacu.