AcasăEurope NewsPNL secretary general Bode: We must answer cascading attacks with unity

PNL secretary general Bode: We must answer cascading attacks with unity

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The secretary general of the PNL (National Liberal Party), Lucian Bode, on Sunday stated, on the occasion of the meeting of the National Council of this political arty, that Nicolae Ciuca will win the fight for the presidency of Romania and he will bring PNL to the government, and also that the party needs to respond with unity to the „the cascading attacks aimed at destabilizing it”.

„The National Liberal Party is a strong party, which has the political strength necessary to support Nicolae Ciuca to win the presidency of Romania. The next months will be tough, the good score from the local elections must be defended in both the presidential and parliamentary elections. Unity will bring us victory. We must respond to the cascading attacks that want to destabilize us by showing our unity,” said Bode.

He emphasised that the vote is won with projects, with facts, with achievements, and PNL opponents „don’t matter in this chapter”.

„The National Liberal Party is the party that did not run away from responsibility and never abandoned its mission. This is us and we are confident in our strength,” added Lucian Bode.

According to Bode, PNL „goes into battle for the next 10 years with a man who has proven that he stands by his country, and his oath was to the country and he will respect it his whole life”.

„He is the responsible, courageous man, who is not afraid of confrontations, political battles, neither of extremists or of the populist left. He will win in this fight and lead the National Liberal Party to the government. The strength of our team, the unity and discipline, and I emphasize discipline, are the coordinates that can bring us victory in the political battles that will follow. The result that the National Liberal Party obtained in June was a surprise for our opponents, but for us it was no surprise, because we do not sit all day with eyes on the polls, we do our job in the communities we manage (…) We obtained a third of the votes of the Romanians a few months ago, mobilizing the Romanians who trusted us to vote for Nicolae Ciuca, we will have an open road to the presidency of Romania,” Bode said.

He emphasized that Nicolae Ciuca is the only one who can defeat the candidate of the left.

„In the second round, the PSD candidate has a battle with the former president of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), now independent, and with their former ball boy in the stadiums, now an extremist on the left side. So, it’s a big crowd. And it’s for the first time in history that their electorate is having more candidates they associate with the PSD to vote for, one redder than the other. There is only Nicolae Ciuca on the right, and that’s about it. There’s another new lady, but she doesn’t know which boat she’s in yet: if she’s from the right, if she’s going to win the vote of the progressives or the votes of the diaspora. In fact, all three are playing PSD games and the world must know that they are in this to actually fight for the candidate of the Social Democrats, who, if he reaches the second round, must have a comfortable opponent. That comfortable opponent is not Nicolae Ciuca, because Nicolae Ciuca is the only one who can defeat the candidate of the left,” Lucian Bode pointed out.

The PNL National Council met on Sunday to validate the candidacy of the Liberal leader Nicolae Ciuca in the presidential elections.


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