AcasăRomania & Moldova NewsPresident Iohannis: The Europe we live in is not a given, we...

President Iohannis: The Europe we live in is not a given, we all must protect it continuously

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President Klaus Iohannis says that Europe, „to which whole generations aspired and fought for,” is not a given but it must be continuously protected as the values underpinning the world peace after WWII are threatened, and at the global level there is a tendency toward geopolitical fragmentation and resettlement, write Agerpres.

„The Europe we live in, our Europe – to which entire generations aspired and fought for – is not a given. We must all protect it continuously. In these difficult times, fear and uncertainty create fertile ground for misinformation and hybrid attacks, which call into question the democratic principles and values we believe in.

In the face of these actions, a rational approach is necessary, a careful analysis of information and sources, unaltered by manipulation, as well as engaging in constructive debates on major European issues of interest to our society. By protecting Europe, we protect ourselves, our security and prosperity. European solutions for current challenges are solutions for the future of our citizens,” the Romanian President says in a message issued on May 9, Europe Day.

He points out that Romania can contribute substantially, in the future, to the achievement of these common objectives.

„We are a mature and responsible member state, with a solid and credible European profile, recognised and appreciated by our partners. Internalising these markers, I trust that the support of the Romanian citizens for the European Union and for the fundamental European values will remain unwavering.”

According to Iohannis, the consequences of the ongoing war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine have multiplied, and the principles, values and multilateral system that were underpinning world peace after WWII are still threatened, while at the global level the trend of geopolitical fragmentation and resettlement is visible.

„The security of our citizens and the resilience of societies have acquired new values, from protecting democracy and the rule of law and securing economic prosperity, to supporting those who fight for peace and for the values we believe in.

Adding up to this is finding quick solutions to climate change – with increasingly dramatic effects on everyday life – and also rapid adaptation to the digital environment we live in. In this global context with many challenges, Europe – a symbol of the values of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights – has an even more important role today. Defending these values is a responsibility that will determine the world in which future generations will develop.”

The President goes on to say that Romania is an active part of European efforts and initiatives to implement common strategic priorities to the benefit of the citizens.

„Unity and solidarity remain our main asset, and the last few years have been clear proof that we are stronger only united and standing up,” says Iohannis.

The President shows that to Romania the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism is a unique opportunity for modernisation and development along with the cohesion funds.

„We owe it to us, through joint efforts, to take advantage of this opportunity to participate successfully in the process of transformation and modernisation of Romania, geared toward the demands of the future.

Our common resilience, and thus Romania’s, requires a solid, competitive economy, adjusted for the future , digital transformation, investment in research and innovation, stable and reliable supply chains, guaranteed energy security at affordable prices. Urgent adaptation to climate change should boost the European Union’s competitiveness while protecting its citizens. These are all essential themes for the health and well-being of future generations.”

Also, Iohannis mentions that the security of the European Union also means an adequate protection of the external borders, and Romania’s contribution to securing them is „widely recognised and appreciated in Europe and beyond.”

„I am convinced that, in the spirit of the principles of responsibility, unity and solidarity between all the members of the European Union, through dialogue and constructive commitment on the part of all, Romania will receive its well-deserved place within the European space of free movement.”

According to Iohannis, strengthening our security is also essential, and that entails close co-operation to increase defence capabilities, in full complementarity with NATO, as well as strengthening resilience in the face of hybrid and cyberspace threats.

„In the face of Russian aggression, we must without hesitation maintain the solid and consistent support to Ukraine, efforts in which Romania actively participates. The strategic stake is clear: guaranteeing that the forced withdrawal of borders between sovereign states cannot be accepted, neither in Europe nor anywhere else in the world.”

Iohannis considers that Romania was and will remain a vocal promoter of the firm European response in support of the resilience and security of Moldova.

„The meeting of the European Political Community, which will be hosted in Chisinau on June 1 this year, will send an unequivocal message of solidarity: Europe stands with the citizens of Moldova in their efforts to defend their European strategic option and freedom.”

According to President Iohannis, the current global context does not allow limiting external action to the immediate vicinity.

„Global Europe is the right answer to an increasingly polarised world, and Romania’s external action in the last year has substantially contributed to the dynamism of contacts with partners around the world to build diversified and reliable partnerships and, at the same time, to objectively exposes the realities of the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine.”

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