AcasăEurope NewsPresident Iohannis to pay official visit to Latvia

President Iohannis to pay official visit to Latvia

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President Iohannis will pay an official visit on Wednesday to the Republic of Latvia, within which he will carry out political consultations with his Latvian counterpart Egils Levits, as well as meetings with Latvia’s Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins and Speaker of the Latvian Parliament Edvards Smiltens, according to Agerpres.

According to the Presidential Administration, the visit takes place in the centennial year of establishing the Romanian-Latvian diplomatic relations.

On Thursday, the head of state will pay an official visit to Republic of Lithuania and, on Friday, he is scheduled to participate in the international symposium called „The Idea of Europe,” in Kaunas. Thereafter, the head of state will attend, alongside his counterparts from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, a summit dedicated to strengthening the Eastern Flank of NATO, supporting Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova and promoting European memory, with a focus on combating disinformation and the attempts to rewrite history.

The Presidential Administration informs that on the discussions’ agenda of President Klaus Iohannis with the Latvian and Lithuanian counterparts, as well as with other high officials, also included will be the strengthening of the bilateral relations, including the economic and sectorial cooperation, the European and international agenda.

„Taking into account the worsening of the security situation in the context of Russia’s aggression war against Ukraine, an important place in the discussions shall be grated to the cooperation within NATO and strengthening the Eastern Flank of the Alliance for ensuring Europe’s security, including through Romania’s participation in the enhanced air policing mission in the Baltic countries, as of 2023. Also discussed will be the possibilities to increase the assistance efforts for Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees, taking into account the damage caused by the war and the coming of winter, as well as measures to support grain exports from Ukraine, in order to ensure food security for some vulnerable third countries,” the quoted source conveyed.

On the discussions’ agenda also included will be energy security, with an emphasis on solutions for diversifying Europe’s gas supply, in order to reduce dependence on the Russian gas. The developments in the Republic of Moldova and the assistance measures in the difficult economic context that the neighboring state is going through will also be addressed, as well as regional cooperation, including in view of the Bucharest 9 Format and the Three Seas Initiative.


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