AcasăEurope NewsPresident of Romania must be above the parties, Mircea Geoana says

President of Romania must be above the parties, Mircea Geoana says

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The NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoana, believes that the president of Romania must be above political parties and not depend on any political formation, pointing out that 2024 is the year of independent candidates and he is „determined” to keep „this preference”.

„I think that the president of Romania must be above the parties, work with the parties, obviously, but he must not belong to, depend on any political party, because, by definition, he must play a role of unifying the nation, not representing one party or another at the top of the Romanian state,” Mircea Geoana said on Thursday in central-western Cluj-Napoca.

Asked if he was contacted by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) or the National Liberal Party (PNL) to run on their behalf for the presidential elections, Mircea Geoana denied and said that the 2024 election year belongs to the independent candidates.

„I don’t have such conversations, you know what my position is, I think that this conversation about the date of the presidential elections is a discussion that has behind it another problem related to the candidates from the two parties, and I hope with all my heart that as soon as possible there will be clarity on this subject and, from my point of view, the year 2024 is the year of independent candidates in Romanian politics and I am absolutely determined to keep this preference,” stated Mircea Geoana.

He was present, on Thursday, in Cluj-Napoca, where he participated in the opening of the second day of the Techsylvania business and technology event, and then participated in the „Romania in Europe. Center vs. Periphery” debate, organized by the „Romania Reborn!” Movement.


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