AcasăEurope NewsPresidential elections should take place on November 30 and December 8 (UDMR...

Presidential elections should take place on November 30 and December 8 (UDMR leader)

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Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Friday that the correct alternative for the organisation of the presidential elections is November 30 for the first round and December 8 for the second round.

„I think the other alternative would be the first round somewhere at the end of November, November 30, and on December 8 the second round. So it is a correct alternative, from my point of view, and if there will be a meeting, I will support this calendar, this alternative,” Kelemen Hunor told RFI radio broadcaster, after prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), announced that he will start consultations with party leaders on Monday on the presidential election calendar.

According to Kelemen Hunor, the decision should have already been made.

„For me this question remains – how can you trust those who have announced a calendar and change their word, don’t keep their word? This is not the first time. (…) From my point of view, they should have moved forward with the decision made. I have in front of me the decision of the National Political Bureau of PNL [the National Liberal Party], in which they announced September 15 and September 29 (…). In the end, I believe that we will have elections somewhere in November, as we have already lost the possibility to organize elections in September,”, said the UDMR leader.

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu announced that on Monday he will invite the leaders of the political parties to discuss the presidential elections calendar, arguing that the „bickering” on this issue affects the trust between partners and must stop.


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