Interim president Ilie Bolojan on Thursday evening, when asked if he would like to run in the presidential election but was opposed by the PSD and the president of the Social Democrats, stated that „any kind of speculation related to candidacies or other aspects of this kind only leads the discussion into an area that has nothing to do with this electoral competition.”
„I believe that Romanian citizens are interested today in the programmes, in the projects of those who have registered for the electoral competition, because the lists are closed, there is no longer any problem and any speculation related to candidacies or other aspects of this kind only leads the discussion into an area that has nothing to do with this electoral competition and please allow me not to make such comments,” Ilie Bolojan told a press conference in Brussels, after participating in the European Council meeting.
He also reiterated that, during the pre-campaign or campaign period, all discussions that take place must be treated with a certain reserve.
„You will see candidates who propose prime ministers but only for the campaign, only for campaign calculations, in such a way as to maximize one result or another, but all the things that are discussed, collateral to the campaign, must be treated with due caution and I believe that each of those who run must conduct their campaign in such a way as to convince citizens,” Ilie Bolojan pointed out.