Romania’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Florin Barbu on Monday asked the European Commission to amend Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, so that the purchase of breeding animals becomes eligible for funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
At a meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) in Brussels, Barbu mentioned the importance of the amendment for the revitalisation of the livestock sector, given that a decline in livestock at European level affects the competitiveness and food security of the European Union.
„Improving genetics by investing in high-quality breeding animals is essential to increase farm productivity and reduce environmental impact. Breeding animals are an investment in fixed capital, used during several production cycles, and their inclusion in the category of EAFRD eligible expenses is fully justified,” Barbu is quoted as saying in a press statement released by the Agriculture Ministry.
The Romanian official argued that the selection of high-performance breeds, adapted to local conditions and resistant to diseases, leads to greater economic efficiency and a reduction in methane emissions per production unit, thus supporting European sustainability goals.
Through this proposal, Romania is said to be asking for a clear signal from the European Union regarding concrete support for the livestock sector and adjusting the Common Agricultural Policy for the new challenges in the agri-food sector.