The Association of Romania’s Automobile Manufacturers and Importers (APIA) is firmly rejecting the idea that the Romanian automotive industry is not performing well, as it has been erroneously publicly alleged, given that Romania exported in 2024 new vehicles worth approximately EUR 12 billion, while imports were EUR 3.5 billion.
„The Association of Romania’s Automobile Manufacturers and Importers wants to clarify the recent information that appeared in the media, according to which the value of exports from the automotive industry would be lower than imports, thus suggesting an alleged underperformance of the sector. This interpretation does not reflect the economic and commercial reality of the Romanian automotive industry. The figures carried by the media showing exports of EUR 43 billion and imports of EUR 45 billion are overstated in absolute terms. The figures do not reflect the actual composition of trade flows specific to the automotive industry, including segments that are not directly relevant for assessing the sector’s performance. APIA considers it essential to have a correct and documented approach to this data in order to avoid misinformation of the public and decision-makers. In reality, in 2024, Romania exported new vehicles worth about EUR 12 billion, while imports of new vehicles were EUR 3.5 billion euros,” reads a press release of APIA.
According to the association, these figures demonstrate a positive return of exports as against imports, which underlines the competitiveness of the Romanian automotive industry on the international market.
„Even taking into account the imports of used cars, which amounted to EUR 3.4 billion, the trade balance remains favourable to Romania for the export of new vehicles. However, APIA wants to draw attention to a worrying phenomenon: the imports of used cars that generate significant economic losses for the Romanian government as a large part of them are imported illegally, without being taxed or inappropriately taxed. It is also important to mention that such imports have a negative impact on the environment because they are highly polluting.”
Thus, official data reveal that 64% of used cars imported in 2024 are older than ten years, being equipped with outdated technologies, which contribute to increasing polluting emissions and decreasing traffic safety.
„The massive presence on the market of these used cars requires concrete measures to contain the negative effects generated by this phenomenon. APIA considers that it is necessary to introduce an annual general tax for cars depending on pollution norms and the year of manufacture. Such a measure would contribute to protecting public health, improving road safety and reducing the impact on the national budget, while encouraging the purchase of newer, safer cars with a reduced level of pollution.”
In APIA’s view, the domestic automotive industry is one of the most dynamic and best performing in the region, and economic data clearly reflect that.
As such, APIA is firmly rejecting the idea that this sector is underperforming and underlines the need for a constructive dialogue on fiscal and environmental policies to support the sustainable development of the Romanian automotive market.