AcasăEurope NewsRomania, first country to send Child Guarantee report to EC

Romania, first country to send Child Guarantee report to EC

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Romania is the first country to send to the European Commission the biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee, for which it has been congratulated, Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities Natalia Intotero said at the Government House on Thursday, after a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacsu and UN Special Representative on Violence against Children Najat Maalla M’jid.

„The presence of Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid in Romania, at a distance of two years, is very important for us. She was in Romania in 2022, at that time our country had not yet adopted the National Strategy for the Protection of Children’s Rights, but in this period of two years, this strategy was adopted, the ‘Child Guarantee’ was adopted in Romania, this guarantee started to be implemented. How? By increasing the budget of the Ministry of Education, reaching almost 6% of the GDP, increasing the budget of the Ministry of Health, the investments that are made through the National Recovery and Resilience Programme, including at the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, the day care centres for children that will support vulnerable families. All the other investments that we manage to make through and with the support of European funds have made Romania the first country to send the biennial report to the European Commission on the implementation of these measures and to be congratulated,” said Intotero.

According to the minister, the fact that two weeks ago the Romanian Parliament voted that 2025 would be the Year of the Child in Romania represents „a pioneering step” for the country and a model for the European Union and the international level.

Intotero brought to mind that UN Special Representative Najat Maalla M’jid, who has been in Romania for several days, participated in the high-level conference where issues of interest for children, youth and family were debated.

„We were pleased and honoured by her presence in Romania. Also, the presence of counterpart ministers from the European Union and the purpose of this conference was to exchange best practices and to bring to the table for discussion the problems that the EU countries are currently facing regarding the need for new policies to support children, youth, family as a whole. From this point of view, we have agreed with all those present a declaration that includes these needs and this declaration will be submitted to the European Commission, so that the future European Commissioners know these needs from the field and be able to think very well the budget and the priorities they will have,” said Natalia Intotero.

She said that together with the high official Najat Maalla M’jid she had the opportunity to interact with local authorities to encourage them to continue measures to support children’s rights and to combat violence in all its forms.

UN Special Representative Najat Maalla M’jid welcomed Romania’s adoption of the plans, strategy and legislative reform in this area and the political commitment „at the highest level.”


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