The natural population change in Romania stayed negative in November 2022, at minus 7,139 people, with the number of deaths being 1.5 times higher than that of live births, according to data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), Agerpres reports.
In November 2022, 13,205 births were registered, down 1,930 from October 2022. The number of deaths recorded in November 2022 was 20,344 (10,558 men and 9,786 women), down 1,151 (694 men and 457 women) from October 2022.
The number of deaths of children under the age of 1 recorded in November 2022 was 89, up eight on a monthly basis.
According to INS, the number of deaths in 2020 increased significantly in the months of October, November and December y-o-y, and in the January-February 2021, a downward trend in the number of deaths was visible from the last months of 2020, with their number still higher than in the same months of the previous year.
In November 2022, 5,922 marriages were registered, down 4,163 from October 2022. The number of divorces under final court decisions and according to Law 202/2010 was 1,982 in November 2022, down 170 from October 2022.
The number of deaths in November 2022 was down 15,883 from November 2021.
The number of children under the age of 1 who died was up 19 in November 2022 from November 2021.
Marriages in November 2022 exceeded by 1,825 marriages in November 2021. Divorces under final decisions and according to Law 202/2010 in November 2022 were 375 fewer than in November 2021.
Live births in January 2020 – July 2022 decreased from the same months of the year before, but posted an increase in August-November 2022 as against the same months of 2021.