The Senate extended, on Monday, in plenary sitting, with 70 votes „for”, 22 „against” and one abstention, the deadline for the adoption of the Government’s draft law on the reduction of expenses with service pensions, at 45 to 60 days, according to Agerpres.
The leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) senators, Radu Mihail, stated that the extension of the deadline for adoption in the Senate, the first chamber notified for this bill, means „extending the agony”.
The acting president of the Senate, Alina Gorghiu, emphasized the importance of the bill, noting that 15 days of extra debate are necessary for an important bill.
The Government’s draft law aims to reduce the expenses of pensions and service allowances, a milestone included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
The changes proposed by the Government concern the calculation of service pensions starting from seniority in the specialty, the reduction of the calculation percentage related to the earned income, the minimum contribution period being similar to that applied in the public pension system.
„No service pension will be able to exceed the income obtained during the active period, (…) service pensions will be calculated according to contribution,” reads the statement of reasons of the draft law.