The number of young people under the age of 20 in the United States diagnosed with diabetes may increase more rapidly in the coming decades, according to the findings of a recent study, Xinhua reports, Agerpres reads.
On the projected upward trend, as many as 220,000 young people in the United States could be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2060, an increase of nearly 700 percent, according to the study published Thursday in the scientific journal Diabetes Care.
Also, the number of young people with type 1 diabetes could increase by up to 65 percent in the next 40 years, according to the study.
Even if the rate of new diabetes cases among young people will remain the same over the decades, the number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes could increase by almost 70 percent by 2060, and that of people with type 1 diabetes by 3 percentages, according to the findings.
„Această nouă cercetare ar trebui să servească drept semnal de alarmă pentru noi toţi. Este vital să ne concentrăm eforturile pentru a ne asigura că toţi americanii, în special tinerii noştri, sunt cât se poate de sănătoşi”, a declarat Debra Houry, director adjunct interimar în cadrul Centrelor pentru Controlul şi Prevenirea Bolilor din Statele Unite.