AcasăEticheteJair bolsonaro

jair bolsonaro

POT initiates Ilie Bolojan’s removal from office, argues he has become a threat to national security

The Young People's Party (POT) announced on Monday that it is initiating the procedure...

EconMin Ivan to discuss defence industry at Question Time at Senate

The Senate Leaders' Committee approved on Monday an invitation from the Save Romania Union...

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POT initiates Ilie Bolojan’s removal from office, argues he has become a threat to national security

The Young People's Party (POT) announced on Monday that it is initiating the procedure...

EconMin Ivan to discuss defence industry at Question Time at Senate

The Senate Leaders' Committee approved on Monday an invitation from the Save Romania Union...

Palace of Parliament to light on Monday in Bulgaria’s flag colors in honor of Bulgaria National Day

Romania's Palace of Parliament will light on Monday evening in the colors of the...

Gov’t borrows RON 1.58 billion on Monday off commercial banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) on Monday borrowed RON 1.58 billion lei from banks...