AcasăEticheteMircea geoana

mircea geoana

Searches for possible drone debris continue at border with Ukraine

Searches in the areas near Ukrainian ports are continuing nationwide to identify possible fragments...

PM Ciolacu says talks with Hungarian PM Orban aimed at Schengen accession and certain common investments

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the talks held on Friday with Hungarian Prime...

Mircea Geoana: I am convinced battle group in Romania to reach brigade level

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, declared himself convinced, on Wednesday, that the...

Mircea Geoana: Decisions to provide military equipment to Ukraine belong to NATO countries and partners

The decisions to grant military equipment to Ukraine belong to NATO countries and NATO...

Mircea Geoana: Immediate support for the Ukrainian people must be fully prepared and supported

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana emphasizes that the immediate support for the Ukrainian...

NATO Deputy SecGen Geoana: We do not see conditions for minimum ground for Russia-Ukraine negotiations

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, declared, in Brussels, that, currently, there are...

Mircea Geoana: Talking about topics that concern Romanians has nothing to do with preparing any candidacy

Addressing some topics that concern Romanians has nothing to do with "preparation of any...

NATO’s Deputy SecGen Geoana: Romania – a highly valued NATO ally that contributes to common security

Romania is a "highly valued" NATO ally that contributes to common security, including at...

NATO’s Deputy SecGen Geoana: No more scorched land policy, particularly at change of governments and leaders

North Atlantic Alliance Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana pleaded on Friday for the abandonment...

NATO’s Geoana says he would follow a policy of fiscal stimulation, targeted public investments in research-development, innovation

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana argues that he would adopt a policy of...

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana: Europe’s strategic center of gravity is moving to the East

Following the war in Ukraine, Europe strategic center of gravity will move to the...

„NATO and war in Ukraine” international conference to be organised in Iasi by National Defence College Foundation

Regional and global security changes in the context of the war in Ukraine and...

NATO Deputy SecGen Geoana on ESSI: New sysems to significantly boost Alliance’s defense capability

The new air defense systems that NATO member states will benefit from through the...

Latest articles

Searches for possible drone debris continue at border with Ukraine

Searches in the areas near Ukrainian ports are continuing nationwide to identify possible fragments...

PM Ciolacu says talks with Hungarian PM Orban aimed at Schengen accession and certain common investments

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the talks held on Friday with Hungarian Prime...

We look forward to Romania opening up training to other regional allies and partners (ambassador)

The U.S. ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, on Friday participated in a graduation ceremony...

PM Ciolacu says Romania has no problem in terms of food security, investments in irrigation systems must be continued

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has stated that at the moment Romania has no problem...