AcasăEurope NewsThe Romanian Senator Anca Dragu proposed for National Bank of Moldova governor...

The Romanian Senator Anca Dragu proposed for National Bank of Moldova governor position

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Save Romania Union (USR) announces that Anca Dragu is proposed to be the new governor of the National Bank of Moldova, according to the announcement made by Igor Grosu, President of the Moldovan Parliament.

„I am proud of this performance of our colleague and it is a new proof of the professionalism she has demonstrated throughout her career. I am convinced that Anca will bring her contribution to the European path of the Republic of Moldova, especially in the context that the European Council has recently decided to open negotiations for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union,” said USR Chairman Catalin Drula, according to a press release.

USR stresses that it will continue to support the Republic of Moldova, whose place is „in Europe alongside Romania.”

Anca Dragu is a USR senator from Bucharest and vice-president of the USR National Bureau. She has been the first woman president of the Senate, at the proposal of USR.

Anca Dragu, an economist by profession, has been Finance minister in the technocrat government from November 2015 to January 2017, according to the source.

Anca Dragu holds a bachelor’s degree and a PhD in Economics from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, a Master’s degree in Public Policy and EU Accession from the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest, and has attended various programs at Georgetown University, the Central and Eastern Europe Scholarship Program, and George Washington University, Washington DC.

Anca Dragu has gained experience during her 24 years of professional activity both nationally and internationally in the public and private sectors. She has worked as an economic analyst with the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission, after a 12-year experience in the International Monetary Fund office in Bucharest, and she has also worked as an economist with the National Bank of Romania.


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