AcasăEurope NewsThe Senate passed the draft law on security and cyber defense of...

The Senate passed the draft law on security and cyber defense of Romania

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The Senate passed, as a decision-making body, the draft law on the security and cyber defense of Romania, which provides for the establishment of the National Cyber Security System in order to organize and run specific activities in a unitary manner nationwide, Agerpres reports.

81 votes „for”, 29 „against” and three abstentions were registered.

The draft law, passed by the Chamber of Deputies, includes the legal and institutional framework related to the organization and development of activities in the fields of cyber security and cyber defense, cooperation mechanisms and the responsibilities of institutions with attributions in these fields. The normative act establishes the action of public authorities and institutions with specific responsibilities and capabilities for preventing and countering cyber threats, vulnerabilities and risks.

„Cyber security and defense is achieved by adopting and implementing policies and measures for the purpose of knowing, preventing and countering vulnerabilities, risks and threats in cyberspace,” the draft law states.

In order to organize and carry out, in a unitary manner at the national level, the activities specific to cyber security, the National Cyber Security System (SNSC) is established as a general cooperation framework that brings together the authorities with responsibilities and capabilities in the fields of law enforcement, in order to coordinate actions at the national level to ensure cyber security.


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