AcasăRomania & Moldova NewsTorturers of communist regime are among us, son of dissident Gheorghe Ursu...

Torturers of communist regime are among us, son of dissident Gheorghe Ursu says

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The torturers of the communist regime are among us, Andrei Ursu said on Thursday, after the preview of the documentary illustrating the case of his father, engineer Gheorghe Ursu, write Agerpres.

The documentary „The Case of Engineer Ursu” was presented in preview at Muzeul Taranului Cinema, in the context in which, on July 4, a final sentence will be handed down in the Ursu case, after more than 30 years from the beginning of the legal action.

„The question is why, after so many murders – I still listen to two torturers who are of a certain age, at least one of them, who is 80 years old – what power do the Securitate (communist political police, ed. n.) people have, how do they manage to influence positively, this is the terminology of the Securitate, magistrates, how is it possible that the judiciary, even at 33 years (later) limps in this way, when the evidence is so edifying?” Andrei Ursu said.

He went on saying that in his father’s case, there are „dozens of written, recorded testimonies.”

Andrei Ursu spoke about those accused of torturing his father and also mentioned the repression in Brasov, after the 1987 revolt.

„That’s the point, these former torturers are not only Pirvulescu (Marin, ed. n.) and Hodis (Vasile, ed. n.). There are hundreds. Because in Brasov there were – we know and we have on the list – we found the list of Securitate officers who took the people from Brasov to the investigation, from CNSAS (National Council for Studying the Securitate Archives, ed. n.). We know them, by name and surname, how they took them out at night, for hours and witnesses, the victims, tell how they were beaten in a bestial way, as they say, in a Stalinist or medieval way. Medieval tortures, in 1987. These people are among us, the torturers. If they condemn these two, it means that the situation existed – the premise. It means that there was, indeed, a criminal regime even after 1965. And until the end, that’s why we Romanians accepted a regime that led the country to the abyss and were humiliated by the cult of Ceausescu’s personality – not for fear of Ceausescu, for fear of the Securitate, the 500,000 informants. That’s the stake,” Andrei Ursu stressed.

Produced by Liviu Tofan and Serban Georgescu, Cazul Inginerului Ursu/ The Case of Engineer Ursu is told by Andrei Ursu – witness to the events of that time and main hero of the events now.

„The preview of the film Cazul Inginerului Ursu marks two moments with a great emotional charge, both personal and national. On July 1st, my father, Gheorghe Ursu, would have turned 97 years old, and on July 4th ends, through the final verdict, the process that I initiated more than 30 years ago. I believe that this verdict could be an act of both personal and national justice, because the completion of the process by convicting the guilty would also represent the first conviction of communist torturers from the 1980s. This fact could constitute a relevant precedent for other important criminal files of Romanians, such as the Revolution File (1989) or the Brasov Revolt File (1987),” Andrei Ursu stated, in a press release sent before of projection. Cazul Inginerului Ursu is produced by Kolectiv Film in co-production with the Gheorghe Ursu Foundation, Victoria Film and the Follow Art Association. The film’s production team includes Oana Muntean – executive producer, Bogdan Slavescu – director of photography, Alex Alexandru – sound.

The film was made with the support of the Romanian Television Society and the National Cinema Center, with the participation of UPFAR ARGOA and the AGERPRES National News Agency.

Construction engineer and poet, Gheorghe Ursu was killed in Securitate custody in November 1985, as a result of a letter sent to Radio Free Europe denouncing Nicolae Ceausescu’s decision to stop the consolidation of buildings affected by the earthquake of March 4, 1977.

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