The Giurgiu Territorial Border Police Inspectorate (ITPF) supplemented the number of traffic lanes at Giurgiu Border Crossing Point (PTF) from three to five, after the waiting time for trucks on the exit way exceeded two hours, according to Agerpres.
„At PTF Giurgiu we record a higher average waiting time, on the way out of the country, especially for trucks. These high waiting times are determined by the large number of means of transport present for transit. Giurgiu Territorial Border Police Inspectorate ordered all measures within their competence to reduce waiting times and ensure an operative control, and thus to streamline the traffic, the control lanes were supplemented and the number of border police officers carrying out their activity in document control was increased. Thus, traffic through PTF Giurgiu, for cars takes place on six traffic lanes, on the way into the country and on three traffic lanes on the exit direction. For trucks, traffic through PTF Giurgiu takes place on five traffic lanes, both on the way into the country and on the way out of the country,” ITPF Giurgiu Spokeswoman Raluca Dumitrache told AGERPRES on Thursday.
According to the Border Police, the waiting time for trucks when leaving the country through PTF Giurgiu is 140 minutes and 40 minutes when entering Romania, and for cars the waiting time when leaving the country is 40 minutes and a half an hour on the way in.
In the last 24 hours, at the border with Bulgaria, approximately 1,300 trucks, 4,200 cars and 16,600 people have completed border formalities through PTF Giurgiu, on the way in, and on the way out of Romania there were registered approximately 1,300 trucks, 2,700 cars and 10,700 people.