AcasăEurope NewsUDMR will have a candidate for Romania's presidency, says party leader Kelemen

UDMR will have a candidate for Romania’s presidency, says party leader Kelemen

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National leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Thursday in Cluj-Napoca, after a meeting of the Council of UDMR Representatives (CRU), that his party will file a candidate for this year’s presidential election.

„No matter when the presidential election will take place, the Hungarian community in Romania will have a candidate. Hungarians must have a voice in the presidential election,” said Kelemen.

According to him, UDMR will have its own presidential candidate because it wants to show the strength of the Hungarian community that matters and can be counted on in Romania.

„The Hungarian candidate will talk about the hopes and problems of the Hungarians, he will talk about the problems of society, but he will also have a message about what kind of country we want.”

Kelemen added that by postponing the announcement of the presidential election, the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL) shows that you cannot trust the promises of PSD and PNL.

„They show that individual interests always take precedence over the interests of the community and the country. If you promised to hold elections in September, then keep your promise! Stop looking for explanations that don’t stand, don’t invoke either that it’s hot outside, or that it’s summer. Yes, autumn is harvesting time, and winter is cold. That’s the way it is. I think that those in the government coalition are not ready and speculate. We should not speculate, but we should present ourselves to the electorate, talk to the voters, tell them what we want and ask for their trust. That is what we will do.”


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