AcasăEurope NewsUSR's Lasconi demands immediate recall of police commissioner-turned-consul Gluga

USR’s Lasconi demands immediate recall of police commissioner-turned-consul Gluga

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Save Romania Union (USR) Chair Elena Lasconi is calling on President Klaus Iohannis to immediately request, in his capacity as head of Romania’s foreign policy, the recall from the post of consul to Pakistan of commissioner Constantin Gluga, who was at the helm of the Constanta Police County Inspectorate (IPJ) when the 2 Mai double casualty drug-driving accident occurred last year.

Also, Lasconi requests the Foreign Affairs Ministry to publicly explain how it made this appointment decision, which she terms as „mind-boggling”.

„During Iohannis’s term, Romania seems to be turning with each day, ever more, in the country of a ‘Doing what I please!’ discretionary attitude and ‘Innocent-only accountability’. I find it absolutely revolting what Free Europe journalists have dug up: commissioner Gluga, who was in charge of IPJ Constanta when the 2 Mai tragedy happened, was appointed consul of Romania to Pakistan. Seconded to the Foreign Ministry and made consul, everything in utmost secrecy. I demand Klaus Iohannis, in his capacity as the head of Romania’s foreign policy, to urgently request the recall of commissioner Gluga. The Foreign Affairs Ministry should provide public explanations about how it made this mind-boggling decision,” Lasconi wrote on Facebook on Friday.

She added that this is „a slap in the face to the parents who had to bury their children (…), a slap in the face of a country where it seems that justice is only for special status people!”

On August 28, 2023, Constantin Gluga announced that he was resigning as chief inspector of the Constanta County Police following the investigation into the 2 Mai accident.


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