AcasăEurope NewsVon der Leyen: Russia's attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine are war...

Von der Leyen: Russia’s attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine are war crimes

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Russia’s drone and missile attacks on power plants and other civilian infrastructure targets in Ukraine are „acts of pure terror” that amount to war crimes, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday, according to Reuters and DPA, Agerpres reads.

„Yesterday (Tuesday – n.r.) we saw again how Russia attacked civilian infrastructure, and this marks a new chapter in an already merciless war. These are war crimes,” Von der Leyen said in a speech in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

„Targeted attacks on civilian infrastructure with the clear aim of leaving men, women and children without water, electricity and heating with the approach of winter are acts of pure terror and we must call them as such”, declared the head of the EC.

Von der Leyen also reiterated that the European Union will support Ukraine „as long as it is needed”.


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