AcasăEurope NewsReduction to 5 years of retention period of data recorded in accounting

Reduction to 5 years of retention period of data recorded in accounting

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The Chamber of Deputies adopted, with 233 votes „in favor” and 26 abstentions, a draft law that provides for the reduction from 10 to 5 years of the retention period for data recorded in accounting, according to Agerpres.

„The mandatory accounting ledgers and the supporting documents that are the basis of records in financial accounting are kept in the archive of these persons for 5 years calculated from July 1 of the year following the end of the financial year in which they were drawn up,” the normative act also stipulates.

The draft law also provides for the amendment in this sense of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 28/1999 regarding the obligation of economic operators to use electronic fiscal marking machines.

„Fiscal memory is a unique writable device from the fiscal module, which must necessarily allow the progressive accumulation of data, without allowing them to be modified or deleted, as well as their preservation over time for a period of 5 years,” the project also provides .

The Chamber of Deputies is the decision-making body for this normative act.


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