The Romanian Navy bring to the public’s attention the importance of the navy profession at an event called „Week of the Sea and Maritime Spirituality,” to be held in Constanta and Mangalia , August 7-11, write Agerpres.
According to the Navy Staff, the military band of the Navy will give a recital of works from the naval repertoire on August 7, on the seafront before the Fleet Command, at the opening of an interactive exhibition mounted by the Mircea cel Batran Navy Academy, the Amiral Ion Murgescu Military School of Navy Petty Officers, the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Military Collegiate High School, the Comandant Alexandru Catuneanu Maritime Hydrographic Directorate, and the 39th Divers’ Centre. The exhibition will be open Monday to Thursday, August 10, 19:00hrs-21:00hrs.
At the Mangalia Military Hall, between August 7 and 14 after 19:00hrs, the public can visit a navy-themed book exhibition and an exhibition of navigational instruments and navy uniforms.
On Thursday, August 10, between 19:00hrs and 20:00hrs, the military band of the Romanian Navy will perform in Republicii Square, the centre of Mangalia.