Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met, at the Victoria Palace of Government, with a delegation of the National Exporters and Importers Association (ANEIR), the main topic addressed being the reduction of the trade balance deficit, given that it increased by 7.381 billion euros in the first 8 months of the year, to 22 billion euros, against the background of a strong increase in the cost of energy resources and the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, the government informs in a press release, according to Agerpres.
The Prime Minister said that Romania will be the sixth EU beneficiary of the funds allocated through REPowerEU, the European Commission’s plan aimed at ensuring independence from fossil fuels from Russia and accelerating the green transition.
The main aspects reported by the private sector concerned the need for support for the promotion of Romanian exporters, the development of mechanisms that would allow them to maintain and increase their competitiveness on the European markets, as well as economic resilience, by providing raw material to local supply chains, says the cited press release.
„The Government’s priority throughout this period has been to protect citizens and the economy from the effects of the crises we are going through. The government packages ‘Support for Romania’ will continue to be implemented, but also improved, following the meetings we have with the business environment. I am convinced that the new Romanian Agency for Investments and Foreign Trade will succeed in providing the necessary support to Romanian exporting companies to develop their businesses on the European and international markets. At the same time, the perspectives offered by our accession to the Schengen Area and OECD will open new opportunities for our entrepreneurs, whom we are prepared to continue to support,” said Ciuca.