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companies in Romania

IMM Romania: Increase in the VAT registration threshold, a breath of fresh air for small enterprises

The increase in the VAT registration threshold represents a breath of fresh air for...

Gov’t borrows RON 120 million on Tuesday off banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) on Tuesday borrowed RON 120 million from banks in...

Company deregistrations rise by over 10% in 2022

Company deregistrations in 2022 advanced 10.08 percent from the previous year to 73,639, shows...

ONRC: 39,320 dissolved companies in 2022

The number of dissolved companies increased by 24.21pct, in 2022, to 39,320 compared to...

Employer official Jianu: More companies were closed, suspended or deregistered in 2022 than in 2021

The extremely hard times, with two years of a pandemic and one year of...

More than 6,700 companies become insolvent in 2022, up 10% compared to 2021

More than 6,700 companies became insolvent in 2022, a 10 pct increase compared to...

Number of delisted companies go up by 10.88% during first 11 months of 2022

The number of companies delisted at national level increased by 10.88% in the first...

More than 35,000 companies were dissolved by the end of November

The number of dissolved companies increased by 23.02%, between January 1 and November 30,...

43,828 individuals, legal persons, registered in the first 11 months of 2022

The number of registrations of individuals and legal persons increased, in the first 11...

ONRC: 6,022 companies and freelancers face insolvencies in Jan-Nov 2022

The number of companies and authorized natural persons (PFA) that went into liquidation increased...

Number of newly established companies with foreign capital up by 30.7% January through October 2022

The number of newly established companies with foreign capital in Romania increased, in the...

Analysis: Romanian companies need to take solid currency hedging measures

Romanian companies must take solid measures to hedge away currency risk, as fluctuations in...

More than half of active enterprises have market services as their main activity

More than 50pct of the total number of active enterprises, respectively 50.1pct, had market...

26,679 dissolved companies nine months into 2022, in Romania

The number of dissolved companies increased 20.72%, in the first nine months of 2022,...

Latest articles

IMM Romania: Increase in the VAT registration threshold, a breath of fresh air for small enterprises

The increase in the VAT registration threshold represents a breath of fresh air for...

Gov’t borrows RON 120 million on Tuesday off banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) on Tuesday borrowed RON 120 million from banks in...

Euro trades at 4.9772 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on...

Parliament approves creation of special joint committee on combating human trafficking

The joint plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approved, on...